Re: Question

That is great news, thanks!

I gues my confusion about anjuta being a gtk1/gnome1 app is because when i first learned of it, it was, and the big anouncement i heard after that was about anjuta2.

Looking at the website i see that only anjuta 1.0.x (gtk1/gnome1 version?) is mentioned and offered for download while i see the CVS version is 100% gnome2?

If thats the case, no wonder i was a bit confused ;-) Might be nice for curious and hopefull people like me to mention a gnome2 version is in the works?

While checking out this great new toy (current cvs-head) i ran into a few small beauty errors: (notice the XML vs XML2)

The spec(.in) file: it uses a Requires: and BuildRequires: that my rpm refuses to understand, the \ line splitting isn't allowed (thats on redhat phoebe but i imagine rh8 has that to). I also noticed it misses pcre as dep in the (build/)requires lists.

While compiling gave an error, which is this sniplet:

#ifdef OLD_VTE
    tw->m_child_pid = vte_terminal_fork_command (term, shell, NULL, env);
tw->m_child_pid = vte_terminal_for_command (term, shell , NULL, env, dir, 0, 0, 0);

If i switch that around and call it with the ..,dir,0,0,0) it compiles perfectly again. I'm running vte 0.10.26 so it would seem that got turned around somewhere in the process.

Last, i tried to build an actual rpm, and there i found out that the Makefile's don't respect the prefix=/somewhereelse given to it.. the $prefix/share does end up where it should be, but $prefix/bin and $prefix/lib end up in the actual prefix (/usr/bin,/usr/lib)

At that point i gave up on the rpm, and did a plain make/make install. Worked perfectly..

Weirdly enough, the first thing i tried was to see if it had any working CVS action. Looking at the dialog & code, i noticed it tried to use :server: and not :pserver: So i hacked in the extra server type, and noticed the number of posible servers (4) is hardcoded in all 4 files that use it (candidate for a const?). So adding the enum & types i happely continued.. while attempting to login i got this error:

(anjuta:15853): Gtk-WARNING **: Attempting to add a widget with type GtkHBox to a GtkDialog, but as a GtkBin subclass a GtkDialog can only contain one widget at a time; it already contains a widget of type GtkVBox

And a dialog box without a text entry field to match ;-)

Last nit-pick, when i start it up for the first time i am greeted by a welcome to anjuta with has 2 _very_ long lines in it, but the text field does not wrap ... looks a bit weird ;)

Well thats it for now.. ofcource it crashes and everything, but it seems somewhat functional and those are being worked on i'm sure

Hope my comments are somewhat usefull. Keep up the great work, can't wait to see anjuta for gnome2 !

	-- Chris

Biswapesh Chattopadhyay wrote:
Hi Chris

The anjuta2 project is still alive and kicking. However, we (the anjuta1
developers) felt that the progress was too slow and it won't be catching
up feature-wise with Anjuta1 in the near future. Hence we decided to
port Anjuta to GNOME2 and continue working on it for the time being at
least. We are also planning to incorporate the cool bits from anjuta2
architecture (e.g. the 'everything-is-a-plugin concept) and apply it
*gradually* to anjuta1 *without rewriting everything*.

So, currently, they are effectively two different projects, with a
different set of developers and different architectures.

Hope this helps.


On Thu, 2003-03-06 at 10:21, Chris Chabot wrote:

I hope i'm not asking the wrong person, but do you know what ever
happened to the anjunta2 project? From what i heard it set out to do
quite a lot of things from the start (not a straight port, but project
merging and everything, maybe that slowed it down/made it frozen?)

Personaly i've been hoping to see such a thing for over a year now, so
forgive me my rudeness of asking please ;-)

-- Chris

Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired
signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not
fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.

   -Dwight D. Eisenhower, U.S. general and 34th president (1890-1969)

Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.

   -Dwight D. Eisenhower, U.S. general and 34th president (1890-1969)

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