Re: GtkSourceLanguage questions

> 1. I've noticed that you can retrieve the default tag style with 
> gtk_source_language_get_tag_default_style(). Would it be useful to be 
> able to set the default tag style. A style chosen by the widget 
> implementor that could be restored by the widget user at any time, or 
> would you just use gtk_source_language_set_tag_style().

You can use gtk_source_language_set_tag_style for this. Note that the
gtk_source_language does not store the new style in a permanent. The
user has to store it somewhere.

> 2. Does gtk_source_language_get_mime_types() return a list of the mime 
> types explicitly set by gtk_source_language_set_mime_types().

It returns the list of mime_types defined in the .lang file.
With gtk_source_language_set_mime_types you can change the list.

> 3. Does setting the mime types with gtk_source_language_set_mime_types() 
> limit the mime types GtkSourceBuffer can use, as opposed to the 
> available mime types from the installed 'lang' files.
It simply changes the list.


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