Re: GtkSourceView... still being developed?

Il giorno mar, 17/05/2005 alle 18.44 -0400, Micah Carrick ha scritto:
> I've been working on an IDE for programming PIC Microcontrollers in 
> Gnome using the GtkSouceView widget.  I've been having some trouble with 
> the signals so I set out to get some help--
> However, I don't see much activity or comments regarding this widget in 
> the last year or so.  Has this project been abandoned?

No no :)

GtkSourceView is alive and kicking, 1.2.0 was released few months ago
and a new more powerful highlighting engine is being developed.
I guess you looked at the sourceforge site which is a bit outdated (lack
of time)... however the cvs repository hosted on is active
and bugs are tracked in bugzilla.


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