Re: GtkSourceView: newbie questions

Hi Paolo:

First, thanks a lot for your quick response!

Am 04.01.06 20:30 schrieb(en) Paolo Maggi:
> (1) I use gtk_pattern_tag_new() with the pattern
> (^|[[:space:]])_[[:alnum:]]([^_]|\n)*[[:alnum:]]_
I think the problem is due to the fact you use [:alnum:].
I think you should try to match all characters except _

Hmm, that's not exactly what I want - [^_] would also match all other unicode chars for which g_unichar_isalnum() is not TRUE (see [1]). Building a proper unicode class seems to be like pulling a whale on the beach...

> the regex engine. Would it be possible to add multiline matching
> through the api?

Multiline matching is not supported. In this case you could try to match
two different regex: "_[^_]*($|_)"  and "^[^_]*_".
This clearly does not work if the underlined text spans 3 or more lines.

Hmm, I see. Anyway, multiline matching would simplify life a lot, so if you ever consider to introduce it... ;-) Of course, this is nonsense if you limit GtkSourceView's matching to programming languages, but human-readable stuff (like my case) may have different requirements (also the point above).

No idea. It may be a repainting problem. Please, file a bug in bugzilla.

Might also be a problem that balsa launches a g_timeout to re-wrap the buffer (which under some circumstances makes the application crash), I'll investigate that.

> foreground colour *and* the word in the red box is bold?

This is not possible. It will be possible in the future.

Cool, I'll look forward to that!

Cheers, Albrecht.

 Albrecht Dreß  -  Johanna-Kirchner-Straße 13  -  D-53123 Bonn (Germany)
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