Re: keeping track of specific characters in a GtkTextBuffer

20 feb 2007 kl. 22.09 skrev Adam Tertial:


Even though there are many skilled Gtk+ application developers on this list there is a list where you might find more help with this kind of questions called gtk-app-deve-list [1].
Best Regards,
  Mikael Hallendal



I need to be able keep track of the location of
specific characters in a GtkTextBuffer, and I was
wondering what the most efficient way of doing that
was. Is it possible to have pointers to characters in
the buffer? I had thought about inserting a
GtkTextMarker whenever the user types the character
I'm interested in, but the documentation says: "If the
text surrounding the mark is deleted, the mark remains
in the position the text once occupied", and I would
want the marks to be deleted along with the text. If
that's the right approach, I suppose when the user
deletes any text I could check all the marks to see if
they were in that text and then delete them myself,
but that seems a bit inefficient to me.

All and any ideas are welcome! :)

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