Completion survey

Hi all,

I'm developing GtkSourceCompletion (Gsc)
( and I want to do a survey.

Currently I have created GtkSnippets library and I have integrated this
library with Gsc. I have developed a provider that complete words
written in a GtkTextView, in the Snippets database and words in a file.
Another providers like Gedit documents, shows the open documents and,
when select, set the focus on the selected document or open the
document selected in the Recent Documents page...

I need some feedback about the future or roadmap of Gsc. What do you
need about Gsc?


- Multiple files completion: Complete files from multiple files
- Devhelp completion: Search into the devhelp database and show
completion from it.
- Command completion: Execute a shell command and show the completion
with the command output
- Use ctags to complete symbols in the current TAGS file

Other features:

- Change the API using another programming style.
- Use of the completion with other widgets (Not only GtkTextView) like
scintilla or a GtkEntry etc.

I need your ideas to go in the right way and to do some useful features
that we can use.


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