Re: Possible bug in GdlDockLayout or Python Bindings


Actually, I have no idea who really wrote the python bindings for gdl.
Anyway, as far as I know they should be mostly autogenerated but you
might want to have a look at the gnome-python-extras module on to see if there is any custom code that might break


Am Samstag, den 12.09.2009, 15:07 -0700 schrieb Micah Carrick:
> Hey guys, I'm not quite sure who to contact regarding the gdl python 
> bindings or which project the bug should be submitted to (I don't know 
> much about language bindings). Another user posted this issue back in 
> Feb. of last year: 
> gnome org/msg00335.html
> However, it was left unresolved. I've done a little testing and have 
> some more information.
> The problem is with loading a GdlDockLayout from a file. I've built a 
> little test application in C and another in Python. The one in C works, 
> where as the Python one does not. When the Python application loads the 
> layout from the file, it looses all dock items. I've attached the test 
> applications to this email. These test programs save the layout when to 
> close, so you'll have to run it once, close it, and then run it again to 
> see the bug.
> If anyone could take a quick look and a) make sure I'm using gdl 
> properly (docs are limited) and b) suggest whom I might contact and/or 
> submit a bug regarding this problem and c) any suggestions for a quick 
> fix would be great. Who is maintaining the gdl python bindings?
> Regards,
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