Re: [PATCH/RFC] GtkSourceView: FeatureSupport for Headings

Hi Andreas!

Thanks for your contribution!

Please file a bug report with the patches (git format-patch) attached on component: gtksourceview. Otherwise it might get lost
on the mailing list.


Am Freitag, den 31.05.2013, 14:14 +0200 schrieb Andreas Fuchs:
Hi all,

out of envy for the Emacs Latex-Plugin I implemented the feature to
scale certain parts of a file accoring to the style definition.

Specifically, this means that \chapter{}, \section{}, etc commands in
tex files and <h1>, <h2>, etc commands in html files will have their 
contents presented in a larger form than the rest.

Please finde the code for pull at:
(or in the attached patch-files against current head)

Open Issues:
- in <h1 class="test"> tags the attributes are note highlighted
correctly anymore as it seems no context-matching is possible within a

Attached are also two illustrative test files.

Best regards,
Test Heading 1
testing heading 2
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