Re: GtkSourceView: code folding

Hi flix,

On Mon, 2014-08-11 at 13:37 +0200, flix wrote:
I'm trying to implement a basic form of text folding (I'm using 
     -> I add a ChildAnchor at the beginning with a label widget with 
text: "{...}"

A probably better solution is to implement the code folding as every
other text editor do: show +/- buttons in the margin. See
GtkSourceGutter. I've implemented a prototype of a gutter renderer for
code folding:

Ideally an API for the code folding should be created in GtkSourceView,
but having first a working implementation in an application would be a
good first step.

See also this utility class, which is useful to store the folding points
(it is a private class):


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