Re: gnome-doc-utils-0.2.0 and FC4

Hi again,

I'm sorry I can't help you much with the RPM build problem, since I use VectorLinux (Slackware derivative), and do not use RPM.
I have however been testing on a friend's computer that has FC6 on it, and I also got the same error as you did.
But, since you need gnome-doc-utils 0.3 or higher, then you can download the gnome-doc-utils 0.6 source RPM here (source RPMs seem to be easier to build):

make a temporary folder (where ever you like) and move the source RPM to that folder.
Then, as root, run

rpmbuild --recompile gnome-doc-utils-0.6.0-1.src.rpm

That should take care of it. After the build finiesh, then you will have the final RPM in your temporary directory.

Note that you will probably need XML::Parser.
You can ty finding it with Yum, but if that fails then download the source here:

You can build and install it simply by unpacking it, and then in the XML-Parser directory run:

perl Makefile.PL


make test

make install

That should take care of the XML::Parser dependency.

The only other two dependecies for gnome-doc-utils that I am aware of are LibMXL2 and LibXSLT, but those might already be installed on FC4.

Hope this helps :)


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