Re: About Google Summer of Code-New Documentation Editor

On 3/22/07, SHARDOOL GORE <slion007 gmail com> wrote:
Dear Sir,

I am a 3rd year B.Tech. student Comp. Engg.,India, I want to apply for the
above project.
I have a *NEW* idea for the project and I have prepared the application for
that.I have been on the #docs channel on IRC for last 2 days but I am not
getting any response over there.
May I request you to please go through my application once and suggest me
and comment on the application before I submit the proposal, beacuse I wont
be able to change it once I submit it.Or at least tell me whom to contact.
I'm not on the doc team, so I'll let someone else answer your question
specifically.  But I am a GNOME mentor, and you should know that once
you submit your proposal, you and the mentors can leave public
comments on it.  In addition, you are free to submit as many proposals
as you like, and you can request that older versions be disregarded.


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