Re: Documentation

> Here's a novel concept for gnome documentation:
> Wether anyone likes it or not, man pages are still the #1 source of
> documentation for commands on all Unix platforms, including Linux and
> FreeBSD, though even more so on non-OSS Unix variants.

If you had checked gnome-list, you would have noticed I have been
advocating this for a few weeks.

I even gave an outline on how to do this, but it is something like

	1. Make sure our SGML docs can be loaded with libxml.
	   Amputate or fix if required.

	2. Write a library/subroutine that can take a DocBook SGML
           file and convert it to HTML/Man/whatever.

	3. Write a front-end that talks to Nautilus new help browser
           (using the library above, dont even try to do this now, as
           Nautilus browser is not finished yet).

	4. Write a sgml -> man convertor, and process all the SGML
           files from the GNOME API at distirbution time.

	   This one you can do now.

> I'm not even saying you need to have long, ultra-detailed man pages, but
> they ought to exist.

The text body exists;  We only need the actual conversion to be done.

> Sorry to sound so negative, it's been a shitty day and I'm already
> pissed off. I think you guys are doing a great job.  But I still think
> we need man pages.

You are not being negative, you just have a lot of energy.

What better thing to do, than use this energy to write the above
mentioned stuff.

Look in gnome-libs/devel-docs/{gnome,gnomeui,zvt,libgnorba}/sgml for
the Docbook SGML source that needs to be rendered.

And yes, the stuff there is *designed* to be displayed as a man page;
Solaris even converted all their man pages into SGML and now they ship
an DocbookSGML-aware man command

best wishes,

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