Re: Application Documentation Guidelines/Web Page

Alexander Kirillov <> writes:

| Some comments:
| 1.     >All documentation should be included in the application
|        >package.   
| Or in a users guide. For example, gmc is very well documented in
| users-guide: there is no need to duplicate this in a manual. Same for
| many applets, menu editor, and more. (BTW: I think that you should
| really change the status for gmc and menu editor to "Manual=1")

No. Every app should have it's own manual. 

1. It is cleaner, that is you will have the manual whether you have
   installed the user guide or not.

2. The user-guide would have to be updated a lot. There would most
   likely be a gap between what the user-guide say you can do and what
   you can actually do with the program if the user-guide is not
   updated immediately.

| 2. Add: all screenshots should be in PNG format. 

Or JPEG (more browsers support JPEG) screenshots rarely needs

Preben Randhol                 Affliction is enamoured of thy parts, 
[]              And thou art wedded to calamity. 
[]                    -- W. Shakespeare 

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