Re: The gnome-help.2

My immediate problem is I am sort of thinking I might help the gnumeric
project out by writing up some of the documentation of the functions that
gnumeric uses. Now, most of these are of a mathematical flavour. What with
the large set of statistic functions and the engineering and trigomeritical
(sorry about the spelling) functions there is a lot of maths. It would be
very nice if this could be rendered to look like maths properly.

Thus, as gnumeric is considered part of the `gnome office', it should
probably be documented in a gnome compliant way. Hence my question.

Hope that goes some way towards answering you question. wrote:

> If you don't mind me asking, what would be the purpose?
> On Thu, Jun 08, 2000 at 05:41:18PM +1000, Phillip J Shelton wrote:
> > Is there any thought for putting math rendering, i.e. MathML, into this
> > `browser'?

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