Re: There is no GHB 2.0

I think that calling it "Nautilus Help Browser" will tie this too much into Eazel

and their work. It is one thing to have Miguel, Nat, into Helix Code;
another to have another company's work taking over what we have done. This
may not be a big deal to everyone else but to me it does make a difference to
feel of the direction of the project. Sort of like building a bridge, only to
Campells Soup come along and want the name changed to "Chunky Soup
Span" or something like that.

Maybe we could call it "System Help Browser"?

Dan Mueth wrote:

This is a good point - since the help browser will be built into Nautilus,

> what should we call it?   Do people favor changing the name to the
> "Nautilus Help Browser"?


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