Re: A few responses

Wrote James M. Cape on Wed, Jun 21, 2000 at 10:29:35AM -0500:
> Chuck Dale wrote:
> [less toolbar options good]
> Well, they may be found in the menus, but there is then a *huge* waste
> of space on the toolbar.
> [ File   Edit   View   Settings   Help                            ]
> [ **Back** ***Up*** *Forwrd* "all  this  space  is  just  wasted" ]
> [ Location: [________________________________________________][V] ]
> The point is that while you may only use three of the buttons, the fact
> that the toolbar is arranged horizontally forces have more unless you
> want to waste all that space. I can construct screenshots to further
> demonstrate if necessary.

As in all design, whitespace is as important as non-whitespace.
(Ok so I'm not a design expert but you know the principle.) 

Sure you are wasting space. But you need to make decisions of usability.
A much simpler UI makes it easier for newer users. cf. MacOS. You lose
functionality. But you gain usability. 

Let experienced users add buttons that they will use.


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