several weeks ago i wrote up some rough documentation for Gtk Graph
ive not yet gotten a response from the author (so ive sent him a carbon
copy of this message)
ive attached the files, because they are reasonably small and i expect
the list would bounce the message or strip them if attachements were not
it may benefit from a more detailed description but ive got most of the
basics covered. It should only take a little cleanup for them to be
ready for distribution.
There were a few details i was not sure about, like if it was officially
Gnome and if so what package it belonged in. (telling me how to figure
this out would be helful for future reference).
There are litterally a truckload of (source) comments in the SGML file,
as i was planning on making bug reports and patches/suggestions to the
Developer. I'm a critic not a diplomat (i would not have bothered to
write docs if i did not actually like the project).
These should not be removed (from the master copy at least), although it
is probably wise to strip any comments from html documenatation
generated from it.
As far as licensing of the documentation goes, i would go for the least
restrictive license possible. You can change it, sell it, burn it
without any need to ask my permission. Im just wondering, does the use
of your template automatically force me to use you license? (For future
projects i may want to use another another license, its unlikely but i
just want to be careful).
On another matter, i plan to do some work on Gnome Icon Edit over the
next few weeks, inlcuding documetation. Ill lookup the list and get in
conact with whoever has been assigned it, but hopefully they will read
this and contact me first.
Mise le meas
Alan Horkan
Title: GtkGraph
2001Alan HorkanAaron Lehrmann
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation
License, Version 1.1 or any later version published
by the Free Software Foundation with no Invariant Sections, no
Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. You may obtain a copy
of the GNU Free Documentation License from
the Free Software Foundation by visiting their Web site or by writing to:
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Many of the names used by companies to distinguish their products and
services are claimed as trademarks. Where those names appear in any
GNOME documentation, and those trademarks are made aware to the members
of the GNOME Documentation Project, the names have been printed in caps
or initial caps.
This is version 0.1 of the GtkGraph manual.
IntroductionGtkGraph is an application for GtkGraph is a simple graphing calculator written for X Windows using the Gtk+ widget set. It is intended as a replacement for a standalone graphing calculator (which typically costs over $80 USD, and has a tiny monochrome display driven by a CPU running at around 6 MHz with no FPU). GtkGraph can plot functions and solve arithmetic expressions using double precision arithmetic.
To run GtkGraph: in Mandrake 8.1 select
from the Main Menu, or type
gtkgraph on the command line.
GtkGraph is (NOT YET!) included in the
GNOME-PACKAGE package, which is (NOT YET!) part of the GNOME desktop environment.
This document describes version
&version; of GtkGraph.
Using GtkGraphGtkGraph an plot functions and solve arithmetic expressions using double precision arithmetic.
The functions implemented are listed bleow and the syntax is infix, like y=-.5+.3*sin(3x)*sin(50.*x) or y=.65*exp(-.5*(x-.5^2)/.02).
Currently the y= is optional but probably will become mandatory as more complicated equations become supported. Whitespace is ignored, and | exp | means absolute. For more info on equation form, try to understand src/mathparse.y or get some one to help write more and better documention.
These functions are available (description (name)):
sine (sin)
tangent (tan)
cosine (cos)
arc-sine (asin)
arc-tangent (atan)
arc-cosine (acos)
hyperbolic sine (sinh)
hyperbolic tangent (tanh)
hyperbolic cosine (cosh)
hyperbolic arc-sine (asinh)
hyperbolic arc-tangent (atanh)
hyperbolic arc-cosine (acosh)
secant (sec)
cotangent (cot)
cosecant (csc)
base 10 log (log)
natural log (ln)
absolute value (abs)
square root (sqrt)
The constants pi and e are also available.
Basic usage
Starting GtkGraph opens
the Main window, shown in .
GtkGraph Main WindowGtkGraph Main Window
To get a graph of a function just enter the function the
New Funtion field and
press Graph.
The menu bar, located at the top of the Main
Window, contains the following menus:
This menu contains:
Ctrl-EExport Graph to Image
— This Exports the Graph to any Image format supported by Imlib.
Ctrl-XExport Graph to PostScript
— This Exports the Graph in PostScript format.
Ctrl-PPrint Graph
— This prints your graph.
— This Quits the application.
— This quits the application.
This menu contains:
Ctrl-ZZoom In
— This Zooms In on the graph.
Alt-ZZoom Out
— This Zooms Out away from the graph.
Ctrl-LScroll Left
— This scrolls to the left of the origin (0,0).
Ctrl-UScroll Up
— This scrolls up from the origin (0,0).
Ctrl-DScroll Down
— This scrolls down from the origin (0,0).
Ctrl-LScroll Left
— This scrolls to the left of the origin (0,0).
This menu contains:
Set X Label
— This allows you to set the label on the X Axis of the Graph.
Set Plot Title...
— This allows you to set the label on the Y Axis of the Graph.
Set X Label
— This allows you to set the Title of the Graph.
This menu contains:
— This opens the Preferences
Dialog, which allows you to configure
various settings. (Toggles, Units, Calculator, Colors).
This menu contains:
Ctrl-SShow Calculator —
This shows the Calculator window.
Ctrl-HHide Calculator —
This hides the Calculator window.
Alt-SShow Range Selection —
This shows the Range Selection dialog.
Alt-HHide Range Selection —
This hides the Range Selection dialog.
Show Data —
This shows the Data/Spreadsheet Widget.
Hide Data —
This hides the Data/Spreadsheet Widget.
This menu contains:
F1Manual —
This opens the GtkGraph manual.
About — This opens the
About dialog which shows the
GtkGraph logo,
the author's names, the application version number, and the
URL for the application's Web page if one exists.
To change the application settings, select
SettingsPreferences.... This opens the
Preferences dialog, shown in .
Preferences DialogPreferences Dialog
The properties in the Toggles tab are:
(Configuration Item Label) — If this button is
(Configuration Item Label) — Selecting this
(Configuration Item Label) — Enter the name of
The properties in the Units tab are:
(Configuration Item Label) — If this button is
(Configuration Item Label) — Selecting this
(Configuration Item Label) — Enter the name of
The properties in the Calculator tab are:
(Configuration Item Label) — If this button is
(Configuration Item Label) — Selecting this
(Configuration Item Label) — Enter the name of
The properties in the Colors tab are:
(Configuration Item Label) — If this button is
(Configuration Item Label) — Selecting this
(Configuration Item Label) — Enter the name of
After you have made all the changes you want, click on
Save to apply the changes and close the
Preferences dialog. To cancel the changes
and return to previous values, click the
Close button.
There needs to be a section for the command line arguements and man page.
A link to the man page should be sufficient, but ideally the man page
would also be in DocBook format and easily accessible.
Known Bugs and Limitations
No logo in About Box. Graphic Designer wanted :)
The .mo files are not installed properly when the prefix is changed (needs to be verified).
Your-name-here. GtkGraph is currently
seeking a new maintainer.
Please visit the GtkGraph Web Page.
GtkGraph was created by Aaron Lehmann
(aaron vitelus com). Aaron wrote the Core Application, the interface,
the parser, and the original web page.
To find more information about
GtkGraph, please visit the GtkGraph Web
page. Please send all comments, suggestions, and bug
reports to the GNOME
bug tracking database. (Instructions for submitting bug
reports can be found
on-line.) If you are using
GNOME 1.1 or later, you can also use Bug Report
Tool (bug-buddy), available in the
Utilities submenu of Main
Menu, for submitting bug reports.
Adrian E. Feiguin (adrian ifir ifir edu ar)
The plotting library (gtkplot), font selection widget (gtkfont combo), spreadsheet wiget (gtksheet)
Peter Osterlund (peter osterlund mailbox swipenet se)
Various patches, bug fixes, color previews, several curve fitting options.
Henri Binsztok
Mitsuru Oka
Alan Horkan
This manual was written by Alan Horkan (horkana maths tcd ie).
Please send all comments and suggestions regarding this manual to the GNOME Documentation Project
by sending an email to docs gnome org. You can also
add your comments online by using the GNOME Documentation Status
This manual was written in DocBook using the template from the
GNOME Documenation Project (and vim). You must make sure that any and all
changes are made to the oringinal DocBook SGML format manual,
as it is used to generate the manuals in all the other formats.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
A copy of the GNU General Public License is
included as an appendix to the GNOME Users
Guide. You may also obtain a copy of the
GNU General Public License from the Free
Software Foundation by visiting their Web site or by writing to
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place - Suite 330
Boston, MA02111-1307USA
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