Moving to DocBook 4.0, my experience

Moving to 4.0, for the Evolution Docs, meant:

Installing the following RPMs:


THEN, making the following changes to my docs:

Changing the DTD in evolution.sgml, of course, to
<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.1//EN"[

Where I had:
<systemitem><filename>foo.txt</filename></systemitem> I had to remove the <systemitem> tags. Not sure why. I assumed that filenames were systemitems.

Where I had <graphic> I had to replace it with
<mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata> ... note that <imagedata> does not close.
The example from the DocBook book suggests that it can be closed XML-style with a trailing slash, but this is not the case for SGML, I think.

You *could probably*  just drop the </graphic> close-tag, and validate. But that seems like cheating.So I did the "preferred" thing instead. And similarly,  <inlinegraphic> tags were replaced with <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata>.

And that's about it.

I hope that this helps people make the transition easily, and that it makes it easier for people to build docs (jpr, that's you)

"The only thing I remember about the last two months is giving a guest
lecture at Villanova."

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