Re: Template for GNOME man pages.

On Tue, 2002-10-29 at 09:18, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> <quote who="Pat Costello"/>
> > When you say "convert it to a man page", what exactly do you mean? Do you
> > mean that the final output is nroff? If so, why not write the man page in
> > nroff in the first place? What's the aim of writing in one format (xml) if
> > we have to convert to another? 
> [ I'd offer that the Docbook XML is easier to read and maintain for a docs
> project that works almost entirely with Docbook XML already. :-) ]

What Jeff said - knowing one geeky documentation format is enough
clutter for my little brain. So since I already know DocBook and there's
an easy way to convert to man page format, it's the path of least
resistance. I'm not saying you have to do it this way, just that it was
the easiest way for me.

John Fleck
jfleck inkstain net (h) jfleck abqjournal com (w)

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