Re: Template for GNOME man pages.

Sander sez: 
> Solaris man supports sgml man pages so it might be that no use of *roff
> (which at least imho is a really painful and outdated format that should
> have died in the 90s the latest) is actually needed.

Yes, Solaris man pages are normally done in sgml, and we can convert from sgml 
to xml without too much difficulty. I'm not sure about getting the xml to nroff 
converter working though. I don't know anything about db2man. Maybe you could 
give me a hand with that, Sander? 

In general, I do agree that using docbook man pages would give us greater 
leverage on our source documentation. NROFF is awkward to use, and doesn't offer 
much in the way of output possibilities. I'll continue to pursue this line of 


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