Re: How do people do this?

On Fri, Sep 20, 2002 at 05:33:38PM +1200, Michael JasonSmith wrote:
> On Fri, 2002-09-20 at 17:09, Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> > I am wondering how people approach writing their GNOME documents (and
> > anything else they do involving Docbook style markup). This is more idle
> > curiosity than anything else.
> I usually do the markup as I go.  (Most of the documents that I write
> are in LaTeX or HTML, with only a bit of Docbook for the in-house
> applications that I've written.)  My brain tends to sit well with markup
> languages, so it tends to flow quite naturally\ldots

Thinking about it, the behaviour is described is particular to my
Docbook-tagged writing. When I was a graduate student, I used LaTeX a
lot and wuold usually mark things up as I went (although having things
like "empty line means new paragraph" made that pretty natural). When I
had to typeset complicated equations (I was doing Pure Mathematics) I
would usually write them out on paper first and still get them wrong
initially, but they were exceptional.

So maybe it's the XML verboseness that interrupts my flow.


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