Re: 2.2 community release schedule (was Re: gedit manual)

On Tue, 2003-01-21 at 12:18, Glynn Foster wrote:
> Hey there,
> > Looks to me that we should just continuing committing to CVS HEAD, 'cos nobody 
> > has told us about any specific new gnome-2-2 branches. Until told differently, 
> > we will commit to CVS HEAD. 
> Well, I can tell you for definite that gnome-panel and gnome-utils has
> branched for GNOME 2.2 [gnome-2-2]. Hopefully the other maintainers will
> pick up on you committing docs to HEAD and see if they are suitable to
> merge back with the GNOME 2.2 branch.
> I'm guessing that someone should probably branch gnome-user-docs at some
> point soon - if it hasn't already been branched for gnome-2-0. I'm not
> sure if I see a reason right now to branch off for gnome-2-2, since it's
> probably a bit premature.

OK, as the gnome-user-docs current maintainer :) I can tell you that
there was no branching for gnome-2.0. That's easily done as its tagged
from release 1.93 on. (There's only been four releases since then)

I'm not too sure what the point would be of branching this for gnome-2.2
would be, but I'm willing to go along with doing it at a point the doc
writers feel is appropriate.

RedHat Certified Engineer #807302549405490.
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