More Doctable changes.

Some more Doctable changes: 

The following jobs are Solaris-only, and are not currently planned for a future 
Sun release, therefore they are taking up valuable space on the Doctable: 

- system details
- GNOME performance meter (gperfmeter)

So, I've taken these jobs off the Doctable, to save confusion. All relevant 
files are in CVS for people to recycle should they feel so inclined. 

The following jobs were in the Sun release but have now been dropped from the 
Solaris desktop: 

- gnome system log (logview)
- process manager (gprocview)
- archive generator
- panel menu (menubar)

I'm not sure whether these applications and applets are still developing. It's 
probably better for someone else to take over looking after these manuals in the 
event that they are still live. For now, I've marked the above jobs as 'tbd' in 
the Writer column of the Doctable.

If someone knows if these jobs are no longer live, then please let me know and I 
will remove them from the Doctable also.  


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