Re: Comments on "Introduction to GNOME 2.2"

Dear Theo:
the doc is in CVS at 

If you are willing to take a shot at "introduction" section, great - try
to fix it and send it to me (of course, it might happen that I disagree
with some of your changes or edit your proposed text - so that the final
result will be a composite.) 

As for "applet"... I'll try to review the text so that the term "applet"
is used as little as possible, but sometimes you just have to use it -
using "this thingie on the panel" is not really an option :)

Welcome to the team!


On Thu, 2003-03-13 at 17:57, Theo van Klaveren wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> Since I am new to this list, allow me a short introduction: My name is
> Theo van Klaveren, I'm a CS student from the Netherlands, I've been
> using GNOME for a couple of years now and have been pretty happy with
> it.
> I'm continuing a discussion I started on Footnotes (which wasn't the
> best place for it :) on this list on Sasha Kirillov's request.
> My original post is at:
> Sasha wrote:
> >thanks for the comments. I quite agree with most of them: e..g,
> >"Introduction" chapter indeed needs a rewriting (it hasn't been
> >touched in 3 yers) ; however, I still see
> >nothing wrong with the use of the word "applet".
> The word `applet' was removed from the GNOME interface with GNOME 2.0,
> something which I personally fully agree with. It's a confusing and
> unnecessarily technical term.
> I'm willing to take a shot at the introduction chapter; English is not
> my native language but I'm sure somebody will correct my mistakes :)
> Is that okay with you? If so, where can I find this document in CVS?
>  - Theo

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