Re: Someone who feel confident in XSLT?

On 31 Mar 2003, Mikael Hallendal wrote:

> Hi!
> Looks like Sander has given up on doing the maintainance of the
> stylesheets for Yelp. Does anyone want to take this up and go over the
> bug list and see if there are things that can be fixed?

Yes, effectively as things stand - i have done almost nothing on gnome (at
least the public part) for the past ... erm ... quite some time. I have no
objections whatsoever to somebody taking up the maintainership of the
stylesheets and will help as much as i can, with either knowledge,patches
or both. So all are welcome.

> I've also realized that I have too little time and interest in Yelp to
> be able to actively maintain it so if someone feels it would be a nice
> way to contribute to GNOME just let me know.
> Regards,
>   Mikael Hallendal
> -- 
> Mikael Hallendal                micke codefactory se
> CodeFactory AB        
>                                 Cell: +46 (0)709 718 918


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