Re: Alacarte Documentation

--- Don Scorgie <DonScorgie Blueyonder co uk> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been trying to write some docs for Alacarte to
> go into the
> user-guide.  What is there for now would do at a
> pinch if you want to
> link to it.  It is in the user-guide under the
> section id "menu-editor".
> Anyway, apart from that.  I've been trying to expand
> the section
> slightly (hey, it should need much more). 
> Unfortunately, I seem to be
> having a problem with making Alacarte work.  I've
> filed the bug as bug
> #352710 [1].
> Basically, none of the buttons seem to work for me
> :( .  I'm guessing
> that they should.  I think I'm doing something
> stupid, but until I can
> get it fixed, I have a hard time writing more docs
> for it.
> Could you please look let me know how to fix these
> problems (ASAP), so I
> can get more of the docs done?

I'm seeing exactly the same problems (using Brent's
Did you ever get a reply, Don?
And what work have you done so far on this? Is there
anything you can commit to CVS?

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