Mallard (& DocBook) Templates

Hi folks,

I'm starting to (finally) put yelp-tools together. One of the
tools it will ship is yelp-new. This allows you to make a new
Mallard page or DocBook file from installed templates. (I plan
to the ability to use local templates as well.)

Grab yelp-tools:

git clone git://
  -- or --
git clone ssh://

Look in the templates directory. I have one template right now: It's just a page file, with two special features:

 * There's a <?yelp-tmpl-desc?> PI at the top. This lets yelp-new
   output a description of the template when you run it without
   any arguments. It's stripped out when the template is copied
   to your new file.
 * There are macros that look like @ID@, @NAME@, etc. These are
   substituted with actual values by yelp-new as:
   @ID@ - The id you give yelp-new on the command line
   @NAME@ - If you use git, `git config`
   @EMAIL@ - If you use git, `git config`
   @YEAR@ - The current year
   @TITLE@ - You can optionally pass this to yelp-new

I'd like people to look at their projects and try to put some
templates together based on their usage. Sending to the list
is fine.


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