Re: GNOME 3.0 Hackfest + 1 day conference for the launch(in Asia)

On 12/14/2010 11:09 PM, Jason D. Clinton wrote:
On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 07:09, Frederic Muller <fredm gnome org
<mailto:fredm gnome org>> wrote:

    I'd like to echo the call we made to the release team here

    and get a consensus on which date works better around GNOME 3.0
    release (April 06) for each team to have a hackfest. We've been
    discussing the plan since September with various members of each
    team (to get the 3 teams together in a hackfest before a 1 day
    conference to celebrate GNOME 3.0 launch with the public in Asia)
    though emails and at the Boston Summit.

I think that only the first time frame makes sense from the marketing
perspective. I see little reason to conference about marketing after the
release date. But we don't *have* to have a marketing hackfest. If other
dates work better for other teams, feel free to opt for those.

Dear Documentation, Marketing and Release teams,

We've been moving forward with the conference preparation (in Bangalore) and we now need to pick the best possible date for everyone. We have potentially identified 2 options for the hackfest + conference dates, based on the survey and discussions with all the party involved: The conference should be on a weekend to get most people involved, and the hackfest before the release date (April 6) and spreading over 5 days, having 2 optional days for people who feel 3 days would be too short. That gives us either: 1. Wednesday March 30th to Friday April 1st: hackfest with 2 optional days on Monday 28th, and Tuesday 29th March
Saturday 2nd April: GNOME.Asia Summit 2011 (conference day)

2. Wednesday April 6th to Friday April 8th: hackfest with 2 optional days on Monday 4th, and Tuesday 5th April
Saturday 9th April: GNOME.Asia Summit 2011 (conference day)

Of course any feedback on those dates is welcome and hopefully we can find a good timing for all teams to prepare and get GNOME 3.0 out together.
Thank you and looking forward to your responses.


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