Re: [gnome-flashback] Bug nominations for 3.8.1

Hi Pochu,

Am 21.10.2013 12:46, schrieb Philipp Kaluza:
Please nominate bugs with patches that should be merged into the 3.8.1
I hope to roll a release at the end of this week.
I notice that you did quite a big of work last week to get gnome-panel
3.6.2 into unstable. Any particular reason why you didn't go for 3.8.0 ?
(I had hoped that I included most everything that debian / ubuntu need
in 3.8.0, so I'm honestly interested).

Also, if any of the debian/patches you created / updated are not yet in
the gnome-3-8 branch, please list them so I can try including them in 3.8.1.


Philipp Kaluza
Ghostroute IT Consulting

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