[gnome-flashback] On branches, code review and commit guidelines (was: New patches for gnome-panel)

Hi Alberts, hi All,

On 2013-09-27 14:54, Alberts Muktupāvels wrote:
[... private part snipped ...]

Philipp Kaluza wrote:
The gnome-3-8 branch is aimed at at the 3.8.1 etc. releases, master currently at 3.10.
Yes, currently I test in 3.8. I will use that gnome version which next
ubuntu will use. I guess ubuntu 14.04 will use 3.10. Isn't easier to
work currently with only master branch? Working with master and
gnome-3-8 branch will require all changes apply twice? Or am I wrong?
Yes, all changes appropriate to both branches need to be applied twice.
But that's the point - we also want to keep supporting dowstreams that
pick this up for a 3.8-based desktop, e.g. current unstable or possibly

It will be good if you can keep a 3.8 gnome environment on your hard
disk for testing purposes, e.g. a copy of your current Ubuntu installation.

I'd give commit access to you, but still expect us to have a review
process in place. In the gnome world we unfortunately don't have a
gerrit installation, so the review tool of choice is attaching patches
to bugzilla bugs, then pestering people on the mailing list to review
them. ^^
So. I still will have to create patch, create bug report and ask to
review patch before commiting?
For trivial patches, just commit them.
For non-trivial patches, yes, please let's review them in bugzilla.
Though you don't need to ping me on-list for every patch - I will get
notified about new patches appearing in bugzilla. If I don't manage to
review something within two weeks or so, please ping me.

# The Code review part

This time, I'll do the review on-list, for people to follow / chip in.

On 2013-09-27 22:51, Alberts Muktupāvels wrote:

Attached new patches for gnome-panel...

0001 - Changed deprecated gtk_[hbox/vbox]_new to gtk_box_new.
0002 and 0003 - Replaced deprecated GtkTable with GtkGrid.
First of all, getting rid of deprecated widgets is a very worthy goal -
thank you for working on this.
As it has the potential for regressions, as we saw with commit
dde999b0ba9d444f5d97ff13179a585dfe1ee711, we should aim these only at
From your patch 0003, in function panel_widget_new():
     if (packed)
         panel->size = 0;
-        panel->size = G_MAXINT;
+        panel->size = 0;
+    /* Why panel size was set to G_MAXINT? Replacing GtkTable with
GtkGrid this was causing problems! */

In such a case, please try to investigate what the reason was for
setting it that way. If you are unsure, please ask for help on the list.
A comment is _not_ a good place to document "I have no idea what I'm
doing here" !

Now I have replaced GtkTable with GtkGrid int
gnome-panel/panel-toplevel.c too (0003 patch), but it required small
change in gnome-panel/panel-widget.c. Do you know why creating new
panel widget its inital size (par horizontal panel - width) was set to
G_MAXINT? This caused problems for gtkgrid. I got warnings
"Gdk-WARNING **: Native children wider or taller than 65535 pixels are
not supported"
I think this might be a legacy from the old layouting code. We might
want to override
to make sure the widgets always use the full screen width / height (only
for expanded panels ofcourse).

On replacing GtkTable with GtkGrid:
When we look at what the table is actually used for, it is a 3x3 grid
with buttons on top, bottom, left, right to fold the panel in, but only
two buttons are visible at any time. Nowadays we have GtkBox, whose
orientation we can change on-the-fly when the panel is realigned
horizontally / vertically. What do you think about replacing the Table
with a GtkBox here ? I think it will make the codebase simpler in the
medium term.

In either case,
-       GtkWidget              *table;
+       GtkWidget              *grid;
I would like so see a generic name here (so we don't have to rename
again), and as this is a private data structure, we could use the
correct type, this might avoid some type casting. E.g.
+       GtkBox              *outer_container;

What do you think ?


0004 - Fixed regression introduced by me. Moving applet to different
position does not work correctly. gtk_get_current_event_device was not
best way to get device... In my case it often returned NULL when tried
to move applet.
What exactly you want discuss about 0004 patch? You applied one of my
patches (https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-panel/commit/?id=dde999b0ba9d444f5d97ff13179a585dfe1ee711).
Seems that it introduced regression. I added extra applet to panel and
tried it moving. It was almost impossible to move to correct place.
Yes, I can confirm the regression, and we should definitely fix this in
the 3.8 branch also.

was getting many critical errors in terminal about invalid GTK_DEVICE,
because that function was returning NULL. So it is not safe to use at
least that way I was using it. Googled for other solution to replace
gtk_widget_get_pointer. Solution in patch now works ok for me - I can
move applet to panel start, middle or end without problems. I can move
applet to different panel too. So now it realy works. Before this fix,
I tried one other way, but that didn't work good, I was not able to
move applet to different panel.
OK, but please also discuss what you did here.

*For review purposes only*, I reverted commit
dde999b0ba9d444f5d97ff13179a585dfe1ee711 locally, then generated a diff
to your new solution (attached). So this would be an updated version of
your original "fix deprecated warnings (part 1)" patch, as it would have
been created if we had caught this regression during code review. This
allows us (me) to better see where we were coming from.

So you tried to replace the deprecated
gtk_widget_get_pointer (some_widget, ...);
first with
but that caused problems because gtk_get_current_event_device () will
return NULL outside of event handlers.

Your new solution is
Reading through the documentation, your solution seems sensible for now.
Medium-term, however, it might make sense to cache the gdk_device
per-panel. What do you think ?

The following issues remain with patch 0004:
- Please prefix your commit message with the affected components, in
this case "panel, libpanel-applet:"
- Write a better commit message, not just "... was not the best way".
Something similar to my analysis above might be appropriate.
- Whitespace issues: Sometimes you replace a line, that begins with a
TAB character, by one beginning with four spaces. I think the codebase
assumes 8-space-tabs, but the important thing is to keep the tab in place.
- Whitespace issues (2): Sometimes you also add a blank line, that
contains spaces or tabs. Blank lines should be 0 characters long.

"git am" even warned me about the latter, and I only saw the former by
chance when viewing the patch in gedit.

If you use vim, I can send you a configuration snippet that will
highlight some of these errors.

In the absence of a proper Coding Style guideline, it is important to
always emulate the style of the surrounding code, and clean up only the
parts of the code you touch anyhow.

I will continue to work with gnome-panel as I want it to work with
newest ubuntu versions. I dont like unity, gnome-shell or similar
things. I prefer only gnome-panel.

I am using separate x screens (nvidia), but gtk 3.10 has removed
support for multiple screens.
Could you send me a pointer to where this is documented ? I was unaware
of this until now.

 That means there will be deprecated
warnings about screens too. But please don't accept any patches that
removes multi screen support from gnome-panel and/or metacity. Someone
told that we should be able to use other screens by manually opening
them as displays. I have idea which I will try to realize and if
current code will be removed it will make it harder to me. I know that
separate x screens now days are rarely used. I hope you and other devs
will not want to remove support for such setup.
Ok, if I get this correctly, your nvdidia driver exposes seperate
monitors as display :0.0, :0.1 etc, right ? And that is deprecated ?

I see we have more to investigate here.

One more thing. Shouldn't decide code formatting rulles to follow
writing code?
It would be nice to have a formal document for this, but in its absence,
please stick to the style of the surrounding code, and see what I wrote

Currently there is many indentation problems. Personally
I dislike braking line in more lines to not exceed 80 chars in line. I
would love to take time and reformat code. That why more or less I
would become more familiar with code. How things work and so on. What
do you think about this?
No, we cannot do that at the moment (not even on a single branch), as it
would make it impossible to re-merge with mate-panel in any sane way.
But feel free to familiarize yourself with the code as much as you want. :)

Sorry about my English...
No need to apologize, for most people on the internet English is their
secondary language.

Thank you so much for your hard work, keep at it ! :-)


Philipp Kaluza
Ghostroute IT Consulting

Attachment: UPDATED-panel-fix-deprecated-warnings-part-1.patch
Description: Text Data

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