PanelHandle {
   // global/all handles
PanelHandle.panel-start.horizontal {
   // style for left handle on horizontal panel
PanelHandle.panel-start.vertical {
   // style for top handle on vertical panel
PanelHandle.panel-end.horizontal {
   // style for right handle on horizontal panel
PanelHandle.panel-end.vertical {
   // style for right handle on vertical panel
PanelHandle.applet.horizontal {
   // style for applet handle on horizontal panel
PanelHandle.applet.vertical {
   // style for applet handle on vertical panel
-PanelHandle-size: 10;
Your are lucky if it can be styled. I think not, but I am not sure about it. Otherwise it requires some work to make it theme-able. Chances that rewrite is going to happen is almost near to zero.Hi,I would say it is not a bug as gtk_render_handle is used to draw handles. See - It is made to work like that.
But It should not be to hard to do:1) Add GtkWidget in place where handles should be.2) Add class for widget. For example - gnome-panel-handle.3) Update themes with handle styling. For example:
PanelToplevel .gnome-panel-handle {Â Â background-color: #000000;}4) Probably default styling should be added in gnome-panel itself so it works without updates themes too.
This is what I would probably do to fix this. I might try to prepare patch for ubuntu, but I won't promise it.On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 12:26 PM, Thomas Pönitz <tasptz gmail com> wrote:_______________________________________________Is this a bug in gnome panel or in the theme?There is a display problem with the handles of a non-expanded gnome panel.Hello,I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 and the ambiance theme.
See my screenshot:
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