Re: [gnome-flashback] GNOME Flashback

Hi sirish,

Am 08.07.2014 07:42, schrieb shirish शिरीष:
Hi all,
There are some aspects which were left. The current maintainer was
under the impression that he would get some jobs which would pay for
the development and maintenance of gnome-flashback, as that work has
not materialized for him, he seems to be frustrated and hence some of
that behavior seems to have come on the list.
No, I'm not frustrated in the least by that. That's just life, and the
only reason I mentioned it is that I want my co-developers to understand
my constraints and limited ressources.

What does frustrate me to no end is the huge drain one single comitter
has been on said ressources - arguable somebody whom I had recommended
much to early for committer access, and who's been feeling he can take
shortcuts, doesn't need to follow project policy and generally is
entitled to my time as a result of him being an active (though not
prolific) programmer.

Also as a volunteer-based project, as being the lead
developer/maintainer he should have displayed some cunning diplomatic
prowess which he failed to do and just antagonized almost everybody on
the list.
If so, I apologize. I'm sure I have antagonized Alberts, as my patience
with him was wearing thin repeatedly.

If you or any other coder are feeling antagonized also, please accept my
sincerest apologies, and please let me know what exactly antagonized you ?
- my enforcement of commit / code review policies ?
- my tone ?
- my limited time for the project ?
- something else ?

As far as some of the things stated by Philipp (the current
maintainer) it seems that downstreams do not do anything. Being a
debian user, I know most of the developers/maintainers who are pretty
strict about copyright and if something is missing, they do prepare
and even maintain patches if something is missing. They are also
interested to see that the delta between the package source they are
delivering to their users and upstream is as minimal as possible. (
minus the Unity stuff because MOST developers in Debian hate the CLA
Well, Debian is Ubuntu's _up_stream and does not ship unity, so I'm not
sure how the CLA problems would apply.

I myself have a strong Debian background, and this certainly has
influenced how I think about proper authorship tracking, good
upstream-downstream-relations etc.

As I had expressed in the past, my hope when creating the Flashback
project was that other downstreams (Fedora, Opensuse, arch, ..) would be
interested in picking this up also, so a common coordination point
upstream would be relevant. As is, this list is slowly devolving to a
place to discuss ubuntu-specific bugs and -patches.


Philipp Kaluza
Ghostroute IT Consulting

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