Re: [gnome-flashback] GNOME Panel improvements

2014-10-16 16:07 GMT+02:00 Alberts Muktupāvels <alberts muktupavels gmail com>:
1. Don't set the presence if not changed. Currently it's possible to
unselect the radio button in the user menu. This patch fixes the
problem, and keeps the presence radio button on, if the user click on

Are you sure it was not made so it can be unselected?

Anyway I would do it differently:
1) It should use radio items not check. Radio buttons are designed for this
kind of task.
2) I would connect to toggled signal not activate. We are interested only if
presence has changed so this signal looks better.

I attached my variant. What do you think?
I'm sure that my patch works, but your implementation is better, so I
prefer your variant.

3. Simplify Adwaita style. This brings a more traditional look and
feel for the panel with support for light and dark theme variants, and
also for the HighContrast theme. The style is as minimal as possible,
and reuses theme colors.

How to test dark theme variant?

Is this how it used to look by default? We don't need it as minimal as
possible, but to look like nothing has changed. I am ubuntu user and I have
only used Ambiance theme so I don't know it should look.

If we are going to leave borders on tasklist buttons than I would say that
we need at least few pixels space around it.
I updated the patch with a small fix (attached).

You can test the dark theme variant by setting
'gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme=1' in file
'~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini'. You can do this also from the
gnome-tweak-tool. It works only with themes that support dark theme

You can see some screenshots about the default look of GNOME Panel
with my patches here:
- Adwaita -
- Adwaita dark variant -
- HighContrast -

And I agree that we need to add a few pixels between tasklist buttons,
but I don't know how to do this.

5. Show 'start-here' icon in menu bar by default. This restores the
old behavior in GNOME 2.

Where should I add -PanelMenuBar-icon-visible: false; to test it? Does it
work? I know that setting icon sizes does not work anymore.

And was it default to show icon there in GNOME 2?
The 'start-here' icon is the top-left GNOME logo on the panel. It was
default to show in GNOME 2:

The '-PanelMenuBar-icon-visible' property makes it possible for the
theme developers to disable the icon if they want. You can test it by
adding the following CSS rule:

PanelMenuBar {
  -PanelMenuBar-icon-visible: false;

György Balló
Arch Linux Trusted User

Attachment: 0003-Simplify-Adwaita-style.patch
Description: Text Data

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