Am 20.09.2014 16:47 schrieb "Alberts MuktupÄvels" <alberts muktupavels gmail com>:
> Hi,
> I know that Arch has already gnome-flashback available. Also Dmitry has prepared gnome-flashback for debian and now is waiting for upload.
I am not waiting for upload, I have uploaded it but all new packages need to be reviewed by FTP team. This can take up to a month.
> Dmitry maybe you could publish debain archive so it can be tested without waiting until it will be available in unstable?
I can try, but first I need to set up a repository, maybe next week.
> I hope this is not too much asked - I would like to get more up to date list with broken/removed/non working things. Also I would like to know what GNOME version is used with Flashback session.
In Debian we now have GNOME 3.13.92 (and it will be 3.14 soon).
> Charles reported problem with fallback menus in applications. This is because we are using org.gnome.Shell. I have asked in desktop-devel-list if they would accept some patches that would allow us to stop using org.gnome.Shell. Looks like patches will be small (I have attached example patches there). More info:
> https://mail.gnome.org/archives/desktop-devel-list/2014-September/msg00126.html
> Then we have one major internal problem - GNOME Panel. We have inactive maintainer who does not care about it and yet does not want to transfer maintainership to me. Problems with panel:
> 1) EDS is broken. Patch for it is available, but I think that I gave only link to patch in launchpad.
> 2) There is bug with clock applet. Patches are available. [https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-flashback-list/2014-August/msg00001.html]
> 3) Session files should be removed from gnome-panel. I wrote about this, but there is no response.
> 4) GNOME Panel looks terrible at least with GNOME 3.14. This is because default theme has removed all styling that was used by GNOME Panel. This is problem only for those who are using default theme.
Can we ship some CSS file with gnome-panel itself?
> 5) Adding inprocess applet to panel, then removing and then re-adding will result in crash. Patch available. [https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=692610] Of course without any response.
> 6) Now when gnome-flashback is available gnome-panel needs also this - https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-panel/commit/?h=wip/gnome-3.10%2b&id=1ecf19289f9850474d6a94eecb58e38c9cf9eef1. Otherwise gnome-panel will lock/freeze when trying to open shutdown dialog.
> GNOME 3.14 will be released soon and development for 3.16 will start. I would like to try to catch up GNOME and make Flashback +/- usable with GNOME 3.16 when it will be released. This looks like mission impossible if development for GNOME Panel will be same as last year.
> I was suggested to publish gnome-panel source code in other place (as last option) and use it as new upstream. I don't want this, but it looks like that we have no other choice if we want see some progress. Opinions about this?
I don't like this idea :(
> P.S. Bugzilla product for gnome-flashback has been created. So all bugs that is related to Flashback session should be reported for that prodcut:
> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/browse.cgi?product=gnome-flashback
Dmitry Shachnev