Re: [gnome-flashback] Appmenu button in the window title

On Mon, 27 Apr 2015 21:44:12 +0300, Alberts Muktupāvels wrote:
With XSettings override everything works, right?
Using a whole menu bar just to show *one* menu is ugly from all sides
(that's what happens when we set the XSettings override).

Now you want it to work without XSettings, right? It will not work...

All applications export menus to be shown in gnome-shell. We get them in
gnome-flashback and forward to metacity? First is menus really forwarded to
gnome-shell via dbus? I think that no, but it not problem. So we have menus
in metacity and here is main problem. These days we have two type
applications - server side and client side decorated. With metacity we can
show menu only in server side decoration, but what about csd windows? This
forces to use XSettings override - so no need to do anything about appmenu
in metacity.
Oh, indeed, I forgot about it.

But do you know if Gtk+ can insert a menu button into the CSD?

I think I have seen that in past, but don't remember if it was my system
or just a screenshot.

Dmitry Shachnev

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