Re: 1998/04/15 GNOME snapshot comments

Miguel de Icaza wrote:

> >         - is there a way to have sweep select on the left mouse button
> >           and drag/drop on right mouse button (like OS/2). This is very
> >           important to me, but should probably be configurable. This will
> >           also need the context menu to popup on button release just
> >           like in OS/2 or Windows.
> What does `sweep select' mean?  Currenly draggin is performed by
> keeping the left button pressed and dragging the files outside of the
> panel.

Select multiple files just by dragging the mouse (like standard NC used
to do it -- but OS/2 uses the left button instead of right). Sweep
select enables elegant multiple file selection without touching
Shift/Ctrl. But they can still be
used (Ctrl is needed to add selection).
> It does popup a menu of operations on drop.

It would also be nice if the default could be chosen using the standard
keyboard modifiers:

  Ctrl = Copy
  Ctrl+Shift = Link
  Shift = Move

> >           - using an ordinary maximized window and forcing it to stay
> >             on the bottom.
> If you can provide me code to do this, I will be very happy to use it.

When there is an icon view support this should be very easy to do. A few
hints will have to be set to lose the WM frame, ... 
This will also have the benefit that desktop will be focusable and will
thus support keyboard navigation (very important). 

for gemvt:
> >         - please support xterm WINDOWID
> What is WINDOWID?

Environment variable containing the toplevel X window id. It is useful
to have it. I use it in $PS1 to change the window title (using a small
X program).

... MouseDevice "/dev/null"

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