Re: Proposal for First Draft of GNOME Style Guide 1.1

>The point is that IRC is too much a medium of geocentricity.  I *might*
>be attending (I think it's 9am Monday in Australia), but many of the
>more constructive posters on this list live outside the convenient
>timezones.  As someone pointed out earlier, "no matter what, it's gonna
>be 3am somewhere", and I don't think *anyone* on this list should be
>left-out of a forum where major topics will be discussed simply because
>they were unfortunate enough to be born outside the good ol' US of A. :)

The GIMP developers have said in no uncertain terms that GIMP wouldn't be
where it was today without IRC discussions.  Mailing lists aren't THAT
quick, ya know.

Anyway, people shouldn't have to subscribe to gnome-gui to provide feedback
to the project.  I mean, the VAST MAJORITY(I hope) of users of GNOME
*aren't* part of this group.  It's in the IRC conferences that we get to
show off our present state to our testing public and find out if we're ALL
way off base.

Geocentric?  Try listcentric :-)

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