Re: RSG, draft three

> > Absolutely not. This is what i'm saying -- The lowest-compliancy level
> > should also be flexible enough to encompass tuff LIKE Kai's Power Tools.
> > While being GNOME-Compliant, theyre simply different. To leave them off
> > the boat because theyre simply "original" is a mistake, imho. Kai's Power
> > Tools would be classified as a "Level 5 Compliant" app under the UISG.
> > Correct me if I'm wrong, but, wouldnt the same app be
> > completely non-compliant under the RGSG?
> no, it wouldn't - because of the very sentence we are talking about. because
> we allow exceptions and because  I DO believe that there is NO way to write
> up C1 and C2 compliance levels in a way that allows exotics like kpt to be
> compliant without allowing nearly everything. that's WHY we allow
> exceptions.
> and the UISG compliance is because there isn't much in there yet, no? :)

Believe it or not, im still burnt out following the Conference on Sunday..
I was putting in long, long, looong hours for many days leading up to it,
and I havent been able to catch up on sleep yet. Throw in school, work,
and you get the picture. :)


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