Re: Docs and Who is Boss Was : PROPOSAL: UISG Menu Line Standardization

On Tue, 11 Aug 1998, Scott Goehring wrote:

> Stephan> My vote is with Bowie here.  A application can only be called
> Stephan> fully GNOME compliant with good documentation.
> Tell me, how does documentation have _ANYTHING_ to do with GUI style?
> Documentation issues may be relevant to an overall GNOME compliance
> certification, but my understanding was that the goal of this project
> was to write a GUI style guide.

Gladly. The style guide dictates the rules and behavior of applications
which want to consider themselves GNOME compliant. This extends into
nearly every aspect of an application, from its use of sound, to the
documentation which it offers. Application programmers for GNOME can write
apps however they like, doing whatever they want to do. Theyre still
considered GNOME applications, of course, just not "GNOME Compliant".

The reason why the UISG is focusing on documentation standards (and
other assorted odds and ends) right now, is because these kind of
accessory things are the "furthest branch from the trunk", so to speak.
We're working our way in towards the center, by taking care of the minor
details first.

Later, you will see proposals which govern window geometry, and more
central issues to GUI design--But to address those issues at this point,
would be redundant. There are other (minor) issues which need to be
settled on first, which dictate the slate of options for later issues
-like- window geometry.

Hope that answers your question. If not, keep asking.


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