Re: Proposal for File-Selection Dialog

>Sorted vertically is definately best for lists.

Long list (with extra info) or single icons? With single icons, it is like
reading Japanese. Column after column.

>As you say, horizontal scrolling of vertical bars involves a significant
>break at the end of each column.  Vertical scrolling only has a
>significant break if the user elects to scroll by more than a line at a
>time.  Vertical scrolling also makes an easier interface to attach
>technology to, such as wheeled mice or autoscroll features.  

I think it is more natural to read lines than columns. At least for Latin
alphabet based languajes.

>Another case where horizontal sorting feels right to me is with captioned
>icons (c.f. various file managers, such as gmc's icon view).  Here you
>don't have the vertical scanning issues you get with lists.  It still
>doesn't help with the issue at hand.

Funny, MS uses vertical scroll (files are placed: left -> right -> next
line) for small and big icons. The only place where scroll is "changed"
(files are placed: top -> bottom -> next column) is the list with no extra
info mode.


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