Re: Styles in GnomeCanvas?

Thanks Federico. Yeah, I looked through the usage of GTK style code in
various other widgets compared to the Canvas and came up with the same
conclusion, but I don't think I am familiar enough with GTK internals yet
nor skilled enough to be able to do the same thing with the canvas code
yet, otherwise I'd try to make a patch for it.

I read some time ago that the GnomeCanvas was being considered to be moved
into GTK from libgnomeui. Do you know if that is still planning to be

Many thanks,

On Sun, 29 Nov 1998, Federico Mena Quintero wrote:

> >  I figured out the solution to my last question (changing the background
> >  color in GnomeCanvas), but now I'm having another problem that may not be
> >  as easy for me to solve. When I set the bg_pixmap[GTK_STATE_NORMAL] of a
> >  GnomeCanvas, it displays my image once and then removes it. I'm not sure
> >  if GnomeCanvas supports having a background pixmap normally. 
> Ah.  Currently the canvas assumes it will have a blank background, and
> it uses the default style's background color for that purpose.  I
> guess it would not be terribly hard to modify the canvas to use the
> gtk_paint_*() functions to draw the background pixmap from the style.
>   Federico

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