Re: Annoying Gnome Panel Appearance

On Mon, 10 Jul 2000, Marc Fearby wrote:

> wrote:
> > Have a low-res screen, do you?
> I've got a Sony 17" monitor with a TNT2/32MB running at 1280x1024. Even
> at this resolution the size of the panel is woefully bloated. The Gnome
> people seem to be infatuated with gimmicky designs which can take as 
> much unecessary crap as they can fit into it. Sure enough, it's OK for
> the wank value for a few hours, but in practical terms, it's just a
> complete annoyance. The same goes for GMC, it would be nice to get rid
> of those bulky buttons, but then again, given that GMC is so ugly, I'm
> still using bash anyways. There's nothing "next generation" about it,
> I'm afraid. As far as usability goes, I'm afraid Windows Explorer still
> beats GMC hands down...
> > Debian is, of course, easy to use, simple to upgrade, incredibly
> > stable, and woefully out of date. Well, not *that* out of date. The
> > most recent GNOME is 1.2. I don't know where .deb packages exist
> > (though I suspect hunting on might be fruitful) but I
> > heartily recommend getting the Helix GNOME distro from -
> > I believe now it comes in a Debian form, but it worked Just Great on
> > my Redhat system.
> Yes, I guess you've got a point. I'm usually most pissed off to find
> out that I have to install the latest, bleeding edge, unstable 
> distribution just to get some normal functionality. If anyone knows
> where I can get some Debian 2.2 *.deb's for Gnome 1.2, please let me
> know so I can leave you guys alone :)
> > And yes, among other Cool Features (like true alpha-channel blending
> > on panel icons, and general Nifty Cool-Lookking stuff, it allows you
> > to set each panel to 80, 64, 48 (normal), 36, or 24 pixels in width.
> Well, I'm certainly not going to compile it myself. Last time I tried
> that it was a complete and utter nightmare! I don't know about you 
> but compiling a behemoth isn't exactly a quick one-hour task...
> Thanks

I believe you can get precompiled debian packages from
which will give you the nice small panel.


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