Re: let's get started

On Mon, Apr 09, 2001 at 11:46:26AM -0700, Ryan Mack wrote:
> Awhile back I expressed an interest in taking charge of the UI guidelines,
> however I was told that someone at Eazel was working on it (the individual
> who did the UI specs for Apple).  If this isn't the case, I'd be happy to
> begin organizing work on the specs later this week.

Well, I started (very slowly) hacking away at one of the docs in CVS.
Just look back at my posts to this list since February. Unfortunately
I don't get as much time as I would like and the UI guidelines are
probably going to be a rather large task. Any help would be _very
much_ appreciated.

As for Arlo's work, I'll believe it when I see it. If he can do a
better job than me then that's fine. But he said he was working on it
in Summer last year and since then I haven't seen anything so I figure
I should just get on and do it myself.


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