This list is looking for a new list admin

Hi guys,

I finally realized that I'm not a good list admin for this list
since I simply don't have the time to do it. This means that
nobody answers listadmin mails, that it'll take weeks for mails
which are held for approval make it to this list and that even
basic list admin things simply don't get done.

So we need to find one or two volunteers who want to admin this

* Ok, so what do you need to do as list admin ?

Basically, there isn't much work involved in it, the two main
things you need to do are

a) handle postings which are being held for approval (it's
   necessary to restrict posting rights to list members to keep
   spam off the list).

b) answer mails which are send to the list admin and communicate
   with people having problems to help them getting their problems

This is basically what's required to keep a list operational. It's
about 5-10 minutes or so a day, but I already have a few other
mailing lists ...

If you want to be a good listadmin, you should also do

c) if someone is periodically posting to the list without being
   subscribed, ask him to either subscribe to the list (there's
   also a "no mail" option which allows people to post without
   getting mail) or to post-only gnome org (giving people posting
   rights to most GNOME mailing lists).

My apologies for not being a better list admin.

Martin Baulig
martin gnome org (private)
baulig suse de (work)

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