Re: Gimp-style menus

There are two cases I would like to bring up about context senstive menus.

1)  The NeXT system (from which WindowMaker is a sibling) pretty much uses
ONLY context-senstive menu systems.  I have't used one in several years
(unfortunately) but if I recall there were no menu bars at all, only
context-senstive menu systems.  I could be wrong about that though.... but the
point is that it was great foir power users, but not for joe-ordainary types
that didn't know to right-click, or didn't understand the context.  Sure, in
the context of X widget, Y makes sense, but is that clear to the user?  Once
the user KNOWS that X is in context, then it is VERY VERY quick and powerful,
but until then it is not user friendly

ADVANTAGE:  Very fast for Power Users, very flexible in an object-oriented
DISADVANTAGE:  Hides UI elements, is not "intuitive", beginners can feel very

2) The Mac (OS 8, 9, etc.) has a synthesis of menu bars and conext-senstive.
However, as has been said before, Mac context-sensitive menus are VERY small in
comparison to Windows or KDE.  The point of context-senstive help is NOT to
give ALL of the possibilities, but rather to speed up their productivity... if
you have to wade through a context-sensitive menu (as per windows) then it
probably doesn't give you any speed increase, nor does it help you do your

ADVANTAGE:  Fast, Fast, Fast.  Good for both Power users and New Users to get
feel for environment.  Simplifies operations.
DISADVANTAGE:  May not give all options that a power user would want to do to Y

SUGGESTION:  Have good "standard" context-sensitive menus, like MacOS, to
increase speed and learning.  Then, like JEdit (as an example) give Power Users
the ability to modify the context-sensitive menus so they can add functionality
or move common functionality to a easily-manipulated space.

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