Re: Booth space for LWE New York.

At 12:48 AM 1/2/01 +0100, ariel arcavia com wrote:

>On Mon, 1 Jan 2001, Nat Friedman wrote:
> > Yup. We can help with this.  Furnitures and computers are no 
> problem.  Where do the gnome t shirts come from?
>The FSF provide the tshirts that are provided by copyleft (I think)
>That makes me wonder if we are going to share this big booth space as
>usual. Also, we usually sell the tshirts and the money goes for the
>FSF. What are we going to do know?
>I have also thought if we could have some brochures or something
>to give away showing what's GNOME, etc

It would be interesting to have a central location where stuff like this 
would be made available. There is a free software conference in Belgium in 
February (link was posted on the GNOME site a while ago, 
which I'll be attending, and I wouldn't mind making some publicity for 
GNOME if I can get some material. I hope to raise some interest because 
there's an alarming lack of Belgian hackers ;-)


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