Please test/comment on Bugzilla's email gateway.

Chema Celorio <chema celorio com> writes:

> What is the status on bugzilla ? Namely I am interested in
> the email gateway for manipulating bug reports. If it is ready,
> I would like to give it some testing.
> Are we going to use a backwards compatible way of editing
> bug reports ? if we are going to use a new system I would
> apreciate a pointer to the new commands.

Well, after some longer hacking session this whole afternoon and
a lot of coffee, I actually hacked a first version of an email
interface :-)

Compatibility to debbugs is not possible since it's adifferent

                            * * *

All of the following is for the test installation at

(a) You can now send mail to <bugnumber> and it'll
    be appened as additional info to that bug report.

(b) When you reply to that mail from Bugzilla which you get when someone
    filed a new bug report, this'll be added as comments as well.

    (mail must be sent to bugzilla bugzilla gnome org and have
     "[Bug 40986] blah blah" in the subject)

To modify bug reports, you can try out control bugzilla gnome org:

(c) Blank lines are ignored, comments start with '#' as first character,
    'thanks' stops parsing.

(d) 'confirm <list of bug ids>' confirms a list of bugs (changes their
    state to NEW if it's UNCONFIRMED)

(e) 'accept <list of bug ids>' assigns the bug to yourself and changes the
    state to ASSIGNED.

(f) 'close <resolution> <list of bug ids>' closes some bug reports where

(g) 'reopen <list of bug ids>' repopenes them again.

This whole stuff of course only works if you have a bugzilla account and
sufficient privileges.

If you want to hack this thing, look at bugzilla/contrib/

What needs to be done is testing, testing, testing:

- (a) and (b) must not work if you don't have a bugzilla account
- (d) must not work if you don't have the "canconfirm" privilege.
- (d) must not work if the bug has any other state the UNCONFIRMED
- (e) must not work on closed bugs
- (f) must not work on already closed bugs
- (g) must not work on open bugs
- this whole stuff must not work if you don't have sufficient privileges.

That's it for today ....

Martin Baulig
martin gnome org (private)
baulig suse de (work)

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