Re: It's almost... Snapshot Monday!

It would provide me with great personal pleasure, and the ability to test gnome2 on newer platforms, if some one could make sure that the bison 1.3 problems with bonobo-activation would be fixed before the monday snapshot. (this breaks compile on rawhide / redhat 8 pre-beta, and a few solaris people).
The problem is in activation-context-query-parser.y, which has the 
following define:
which with pristine bison 1.29 or 1.30 also gives:
.. which gcc doesn't like.

So, change the define to:

See bugs (all on the same error, but non marked duplicate?)

And in the 1.4 platform, the bug already made its apearance:

It seems to be fixed in the cvs HEAD version, so a release with this fix included would be very nice ;-)
   -- Chris

Jeff Waugh wrote:

Hi all,

Time to find out if we can pull off these weekly snapshot releases. :)

Two packages are already out - gnome-media and gnome-applets - but we need
to feed our hungry testers more! Moooooore!

So, if you have major changes, bugfixes or just interesting stuff for people
to test, please upload your packages on Monday.


- Jeff

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