Re: Gnome-Media 1.100.0 released


Has anyone taken a close look at the CDDB licensing ramifications?


This page seems to indicate that a license is required to access the CDDB
database if the software is commercial. Commercial is defined as generating
revenue from -- software sales, licensing, or shareware fees; upgrade,
full-version, or support fees; revenue from advertising, links, or
e-commerce on a web site that provides a link from which the application
can be downloaded. This definition is broad enough to make distributions of
GNOME by companies such as Sun, Red Hat, Ximian, etc. fall into the
commercial category, thus requiring a license

Am I missing something here? Perhaps the license is needed only for those
using the Gracenote source code to develop a CDDB application, not for
independently developed code that accesses the database through a public


iain wrote:

> Gnome-Media 1.100.0: "And they drive an ice-cream van"
> ======================================================
> Well, it was late, cos I'm busy, and I had other stuff to do, but here's
> an *alpha* release of Gnome-Media. It's alpha, it might compile, it
> might not, but let me know if it breaks.
> There's things missing, but the general idea is there.
> New stuff:
> ----------
> What's new? Well, there's a new CD player and a new CDDBSlave that is
> bonobo based so all programs that use CD stuff can do CDDB stuff. The
> other applications (Gmix, vumeter and grecord) are still there, just
> ported over.
> What's still to come:
> ---------------------
> The CD player needs finished, it needs some preferences and a track
> editor, and a few accessibility improvements. The CDDBSlave needs to be
> able to do a lot more CDDB manipulation, but it should work quite well
> for just getting CD track names at the moment. The CD player will also
> support themeable graphics, so you're not stuck with mine forever.
> What can you do:
> ----------------
> I can't draw [1]. You will notice the moment you start the CD player
> that I can't draw. Please, please, please please, someone, somewhere
> draw me some decent icons. Decent backgrounds, decent things. Please,
> it's really important :)
> Where is it:
> ------------
> How do I know thats what you put there:
> ---------------------------------------
> [iain discomachinegun cvs]$ md5sum gnome-media-1.100.0.tar.gz
> 826d378c8073f8c3f6e69ec7e587df03  gnome-media-1.100.0.tar.gz
> I've found a bug:
> -----------------
> Bugger.
> Send me the details.
> Have fun.
> iain
> [1] True story. I decided to draw a picture yesterday at my grandmothers
> (to pass the time while she prattles on about stuff). So I took some
> paper and pencils, and I started to draw. She kept asking what I was
> drawing and I kept telling her she'd see when it was finished. After 30
> minutes I showed her it, and her reaction was: "That's it? It took you
> all that time to do that? I could have drawn that in 5 minutes. I'll get
> your baby cousins down next week, and they'll teach you how to draw. Do
> you not draw cats[2]?". Thanks for the confidence boost gran, I love you
> too.
> [2] No, I do not draw cats. I try[3], but they don't turn out like
> cats[4].
> [3] Not very often.
> --
> but tv says "surface irony" is funny...don't you watch saturday night
> live, man?
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