Re: Announcing the GNOME 2.2.0 Desktop and Developer Platform

Hello Gnome Release Team ;-)

In the release note of 2.2.0, GNOME 2.2.0 Installation Order, we can read that gnome-common is needed, but it is not in sources.
Where is the problem ?


Jeff Waugh wrote:
               The GNOME 2.2.0 Desktop and Developer Platform

Five months ago, we were only just beginning to recover from the enormous
task that was GNOME 2.0. We were committed to a six month release cycle for
2.2, and after such a long period of development and point-releases, we were
excited to be working on new features again. We were, as the release code
names suggested, "Back to the Future".

Today, we bring you the fruits of our first six-month-turnaround release!
Not content with mere success, we've managed to squeeze the six month
process into five, raise the bar for performance and stability and add a
host of new features and tools to the Desktop. Perhaps this is a dangerous

You'll find plenty of information about GNOME 2.2.0 in our extensive release
notes, linked from the 2.2 start page. You can also check out our gallery of
cool screenshots from dedicated GNOME users and testers!


The release team would like to thank all of the hackers, documentors,
testers, translators, maintainers, usability and accessibility dudes,
sysadmins, companies, artists and users who contributed so much to GNOME
2.2. We hope everyone is immensely proud of this release - it rocks way
hard. :-)

Whilst you are enjoying 2.2, the GNOME development team will be running back
to the coalface, eager to work on the next release - in fact, we've already
started! Stay tuned for more information about the 2.3 development series,
coming soon!

                "Where we're going, we don't need roads..."

- The GNOME Release Team

-------------- Laurent Vivier ---------------
        mailto:Laurent Vivier bull net
 phone: (+33) 476 29 7866  Bullcom: 229-7866
When we speak of free software, we are refer-
ring to freedom, not price. (in GPL:Preamble)
-------------- BI&S/GeODE/AIX ---------------

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